It's about the art

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

post remodel activity

Not much art activity in the last month and a half as I've been remodeling the bathrooms. But now that I have a working shower and toilet, I'm starting to make a little more time for art. I visited the Chuck Close exibit at SFMOMA last weekend and was struck by the diversity of work he made from one image. There was a comment somewhere on the wall that said he liked trying new media with a familiar image, so that the process was about the new materials and not the image. I've seen other artists that paint the same image over and over, but none who have pursued it as creatively as Chuck Close. Or perhaps I'm showing a printmaker's bias, because several of the most interesting images to me were large etchings.

And speaking of printmaking, here's my latest print. It's a bit of an experiment in registration of multiple blocks, and I used the texture of some old plywood to get the pattern in the sky.